Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm A Loser

Hi, there.
How's the weather?
..the economy?

Well, I hope everything's fine for you because I'm not..
Of course I'm not, or I ain't gonna put up this blog for nothing, right?
The fact that I put up his blog is a damn-solid proof that I'm a total loser.
Oh yes, I am..
In fact..
I'm a freak, mentally ill, frustrated, wicked psychopath that is looking for some peace on the internet.
So, for those who are lucky enough to be born damn normal, and does not want to have anything to do with me, I advice you to get the hell outta here and close that damn tab!

..and for you there,

yes, you.. (*.*)

I thank you for having quite a wit just to stay put, hehehe
You ain't hearing nothing yet, coz it's just the beginning moron!

I ain't gonna say much, so this is the end for now. I'll be seeing you next time, that is if you want to know more about me, and my damn-pathetic life!

See ya, moron! (-.-)
